Lindenhofstrasse 8
Postfach 601
CH-8180 Bülach

Security Consulting

We will take the time to competently answer all of your questions and advise you regarding safety and security.

Security Concept/Plan

We will develop a custom-designed, comprehensive and dependable security plan.


For clients with special requirements, we have a 24 hour-a-day  On-Call service with intervention contingencies.

Building Security and Monitoring

We offer experienced security guards for your company, shopping center, etc.

Reception Desk Duties

Concentrate on your core business.  We will gladly and reliably handle your firm's reception and and sign-in needs.


We offer security services at events, traffic and parking direction and control, ticket handling, security checkpoints, etc.

Traffic Control/Regulation

For construction sites, maintenance and renovation projects, as well as for large transport situations, we will stand dependably and competently at your side.  


Auctions and conferences present higher security risks.  The experts of GSD offer you both active and passive protection.


Fire Protection and EKAS-Experts

No in-house security chief? We will provide you with certified experts.

Store Security

Our uniformed presence deters potential criminals. We monitor the sales floors and intervene if we detect suspicious or irregular behavior.  We will also monitor the activities of sales personnel according to your needs/concerns (if under investigation).

Detective/Investigative Services

We provide investigative services in all areas.

Holiday/Vacation Guard Duties

Empty apartments/flats and houses are vulnerable to professional buglars.  We can secure your property through occasional/regular or permanent patrolling/guard services.

Personal Protection

People involved in politics, business and public life are often exposed to higher safety concerns.  We provide effective and unobtrusive personal protection.

Law Enforcement Assignments

County and municipal authorities frequently hire us to enforce traffic laws including ticketing rules, nighttime parking regulations, police related controls, traffic and patrol duties.
We also handle special notification and administrative work, such as delivery of payment default  and debt collection notices and warrants and investigations for the residents' registration office, among other assignments.